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Zagros mountain are the longest massif in Iran with 1600 km of summits between 3000 to 4700 meters high . Zagros is famous because it’s remote and fabulous summits . Skiing in Zagros gives the ultimate joy of riding in virgin nature . while many back country skiers are suffering from crowded mountains in Europe […]

Ski in Iran

Freeride ski Dizin

Damavand , Alamkuh , Sabalan are the 3 highest summits in Iran , while we offer trekking tours to these summits , at the same time we organise special ski tours to these summits and hundreds more summits around the country . Professional guides , extraordinary foods and drinks and friendship and responsibility are our […]

Highest volcano in Asia

Damavand is the highest number in Iran also highest volcanic summit in Asia , This conical mountain with its wonderful surrounding summits and fields attracts any naturelover . Specially if you are following the 7 volcano project , you could join us on our successful trips to this stunning summit . Don’t hesitate to ask […]

IFMGA in Iran ?

IFMGA Guide In Iran

The question is that : Is there any IFMGA guide in Iran ? Answer is Yes , Hamid Shafaghi is the first and only IFMGA guide working in Iran at the moment . There are other people in the process of gaining this qualification as well . There are also agencies who use local skiers […]